Freudenberg Service KG: Planning reliability for modification

In 2012 Freudenberg Service KG in Weinheim was planning to exchange a boiler in their power plant. BKR was assigned to capture the as-built data of the old boiler and prepare it as 3D model.
For the dismantling and reconstruction of the boiler and its external surroundings, BKR made a three-dimensional as-built surveying by 3D laser scanning of the boiler house and its external surroundings. Afterwards BKR created a 3D model on basis of this scan data. The old boiler, the surrounding steel elements and solid structures as well as the hydraulic and electric lines were completely illustrated in an as-built-model.

The special background of this project are complex plans. The exchange of the boiler is carried out with a crane through the roof. This process is supposed to be done with as less as possible manipulation to the steel and solid structures in the boiler house and with a minimum of assembly and welding work onsite. BKR supported in this task: with help of accurate and topographical correct 3D models the tie points for new lines can be defined and thus planning reliability is ensured. For this almost 200 scans were created. The modelling was done in MicroStaion V8i. Different objects were structured and archived in a 3D model. Designers can thereby selectively display and filter information and are thus able to better understand and select the existing installation. BKR also scanned the outside section of the power plant. With help of the data evaluation of the block model the designer can define the ideal place of location for the crane. Additional floor plans for all 8 levels, as well as longitudinal and cross sections were generated from the model.



  • Complex modification planning
  • Complete as-built surveying by 3D laser scanning
  • Planning reliability because of true to dimension as-built-model
  • Overall model with self-explanatory structures for designers

About Freudenberg

Freudenberg Service KG
The Freudenberg Gruppe was founded in 1849. With more than 37,000 employees, the family-run concern is a global player in 58 countries.